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MSC provides professional services to federal clients in the health care and aviation industry for the expansion, maintenance, modification and development of facilities and airports. From campus master planning to construction management, to road and pavement installations and reconstruction projects, to environmental due diligence we can provide the right solutions to meet your building challenges. MSC partners with health care systems, building owners, mechanical and electrical contractors, environmental engineers and other specialty contractors and construct complex infrastructure solutions. Projects have ranged from roof replacements, office remodels, pavement maintenance, HVAC and air monitoring.
MSC provides a full range of construction-related services for serval types of project and clients. From building to streetscapes, to underground utilities, our construction managers, engineers and inspectors help deliver projects with quality, efficiency, and on time and on budget. We provide the expertise to manage efforts from multi-phase projects that ensure quality, results, and safety to our clients. We have formed strategic partnerships with other industry professionals between consultants, contractors and government agencies with a commitment to deliver services that protect people and our natural environment.
MSC is a company with a heart and pulse for community. We support urban renewal projects that does not displace large populations current residents but enlarges the space to allow for affordable, safe and clean living. We work with local municipalities to preserve housing stock through maintenance and restoration. We are certified by the Veteran Administration as a qualified builder of veteran homes. We are licensed residential builders, remodelers, and roofers. We offer construction management for site, mechanical, electrical, utility, drainage and pavement design. Our end goal is to help developers, housing authorities and regional councils create, clean, safe, livable communities for their constituents and stakeholders.
The use of sound engineering principles, combined with solid scientific background allows for MSC to develop innovative and cost-effective solutions to your environmental challenges. Our team of planners, engineers, builders and designers bring extensive experience with environmental impact statements, environmental remediation, reconstruction and brownfield redevelopment projects.
MSC serves to protect people and the natural environment. We practice in the following areas: Natural resource preservation, pollution remediation (air, water, noise, soil), environmental impact studies, phase 2 subsurface investigations, brownfield remediation and air/noise quantity studies, soil, groundwater and vapor condition assessments for road reconstruction and redevelopment proposed construction project, hazardous material remediation oversight and Response Action Plans.
MSC provides environmental services to support public and private clients through development and upgrade of water and wastewater infrastructure and subsurface investigations and identification of remediation of hazardous materials. MSC works with government clients to resolve contemporary environmental issues, manage health and ecological risk. Our experience includes providing design, inspection, and remediation oversight.
MSC serves public works, transportation, transit, and contractors that manage water, wastewater facilities for the benefit of their constituents. We support these agencies by offering planning, surveying and construction management services. Our goal is to facilitate regulatory compliance and a safer cleaner environment. We help our clients with long-term control of combined sewer overflows and compliance with consent decrees. We are certified and industry trained in Pipeline Assessment, Lateral Assessment, and Manhole Assessment by NASSCO to provide our clients proper and consistent condition coding of pipelines, laterals and manholes.
MSC provides professional services to federal clients in the aviation industry for the expansion, maintenance, modification and development of facilities and airports. From campus master planning to construction management, to road and pavement installations and reconstruction projects, to environmental due diligence we can provide the right solutions to meet your building challenges. Our services include:
• Concrete Field Testing
• Air monitoring and sampling
• Field Soil Sampling
• Pavement placement restoration
• Crack Sealing and patching
• Road development
• TNM Noise Design and Abatement
• Stormwater Design and Construction oversight
• Environmental due diligence

MSC provides professional services to federal clients in the health care industry for the expansion, modification and development of facilities. From campus master planning to construction management, to road and pavement installations and reconstruction projects to environmental due diligence we can provide the right solutions to meet your building challenges. MSC partners with health care systems, building owners, mechanical and electrical contractors, environmental engineers and other specialty contractors and construct complex infrastructure solutions. Projects have ranged from roof replacements, office remodels, to HVAC and air monitoring.

MSC leads the way with a strategic approach. Sustainability is a lifestyle choice that extends beyond our home. Sustainability is at the forefront of work, school, play and transit. We help our clients implement, integrate and manage sustainability initiatives and practices to improve their processes, growth, add value to their companies. We are environmental strategist helping clients get the best return on their investments. We make recommendations as well as help you establish strategies and best practices that make your company, leaner, greener, safer and more efficient. We work with government clients and industrial clients to resolve contemporary environmental issues, manage health and ecological risk, and help reduce financial liability.
- Site/Landscaping
- Natural Resources
- Due Diligence Studies
- Permitting and Compliance
- Commissioning
Sustainable design involves assessing the long-term impacts of a project on local infrastructure capacity or using natural energies such as solar, wind, geothermal cooling, whenever possible. Our team recognizes the importance of low impact design (LID) features that minimize runoff, maximize runoff, maximize retainage and reduce demands on the public treatment system. In an integrate manner, MSC addresses sustainability through each project phase-planning, programming, design construction, as well as management and maintenance identifying ways and means to reduce carbon pollution, increase operational efficiencies that reduce energy use, improve resilience to systems and promote public health in decision making. As a result we realize greater economic prosperity, environmental protection, and social equity goals for the built and natural environment.